# =================================================== # # AutoLimits, ORACLE # # =================================================== # =================================================== # Limits [limits] server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=alert.log detail=error entry unit= function=last over=1 relation=!== infolevel= warnlevel=_NO_ERROR_ errorlevel= notifymode=S10 message=Error in alert.log: $VALUE destination1= dest1levels=IWF destination2= dest2levels=IWF remark= server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=fast recovery area detail=%used unit= function=avg over=3 relation=> infolevel=89 warnlevel=90 errorlevel= notifymode=24 message=The FRA is used for more than $VALUE $UNIT! destination1= dest1levels=WF destination2= dest2levels=WF remark= server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=info detail=database status unit= function=last over=1 relation=!== infolevel=OPEN warnlevel=OPEN errorlevel= notifymode=24 message=The database is not "$LIMIT"! destination1= dest1levels=WF destination2= dest2levels=WF remark= server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=redo logs detail=status report unit= function=last over=1 relation=!== infolevel= warnlevel=_NO_ERROR_ errorlevel= notifymode=24 message=Incorrect state of at least one online redo log file:$VALUE destination1= dest1levels=IWF destination2= dest2levels=IWF remark= server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=tablespace usage:* detail=%used unit= function=avg over=3 relation=> infolevel=89 warnlevel=90 errorlevel= notifymode=24 message=This tablespace is used for more than $VALUE $UNIT! destination1= dest1levels=WF destination2= dest2levels=WF remark= server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=_* detail=message unit= function=last over=1 relation=!== infolevel=OK warnlevel=OK errorlevel= notifymode=24 message=Error when executing script for teststep "$TESTSTEP". destination1= dest1levels=WF destination2= dest2levels=IWF remark= # =================================================== # isAlive [isalive] server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=_backup* detail=message unit= period=30 periodunit=hour notifymode=24 message=Script $TESTSTEP has not been executed as expected. destination1= destination2= remark= access=all server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=_rman* detail=message unit= period=30 periodunit=hour notifymode=24 message=Script $TESTSTEP has not been executed as expected. destination1= destination2= remark= access=all server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=_watch* detail=message unit= period=60 periodunit=min notifymode=24 message=Script $TESTSTEP has not been executed as expected. destination1= destination2= remark= access=all # =================================================== # Combined Limits [combilimits] server= section=Oracle DB* teststep=sessions and processes condition=$VALUE_OF(processes) >= $VALUE_OF(max processes) * 0.9 level=WARN notifymode=24 message=The number of $VALUE_OF(processes) Oracle processes is getting close to the defined parameter 'processes' ($VALUE_OF(max processes)). destination1= destination2= remark= # =================================================== # Compression [compression] server= section=oracle db* teststep=buffer cache:*,buffer cache detail=hit ratio,size,used unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=dictionary cache detail=overall hit ratio unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=fast recovery area detail=size unit= hourly= daily=max weekly=max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=fast recovery area detail=used unit= hourly= daily=max,max-min weekly=max,max-min monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=library cache detail=*ratio unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=pga detail=aggregate PGA target parameter unit= hourly= daily=max weekly=max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=pga detail=total PGA allocated unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=redo logs detail=redo size unit= hourly= daily=avg,sum weekly=avg,sum monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=sessions and processes detail=sessions unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=sga detail=overall size,free memory unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=shared pool detail=size unit= hourly= daily=max weekly=max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=shared pool detail=used unit= hourly= daily=avg,min,max weekly=avg,min,max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=system statistics detail=user calls,user commits unit= hourly= daily=avg,sum weekly=avg,sum monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=tablespace usage detail=size of all unit= hourly= daily=max weekly=max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=tablespace usage:* detail=size unit= hourly= daily=max weekly=max monthly= access=all server= section=oracle db* teststep=tablespace usage:* detail=used unit= hourly= daily=max,max-min weekly=max,max-min monthly= access=all