===== Configuration =====
This chapter describes the configuration of the Script-CLuster.
A SCript-CLuster is configured in three ascii files:
* sccl.conf
* packages.conf
* resources.conf
All files are located in
cd /etc/sccl/
==== sccl.conf ====
This is the upper level configuration file of the script cluster.
The arbitrary name of the cluster (CLUSTER) is defined and all associated cluster nodes (NODES) are listed.
:NOTE: This file is source'd, so be careful when editing.
# Definition der Variablen fuers Script-Cluster
# Clustername
# Physische Nodes im Cluster
NODES="host001 host002"
# HBNODE_EXT="hb1"
# Pakete bei sccl_show_cluster sortieren
# Start und Stopp-Zeiten ans ULS liefern?
# ULS=""
# Verzeichnis zum Speichern der Cluster-Lockdateien
# Datei mit den Paketen des Clusters
# Datei mit den Resourcen des Clusters
# Directory mit den Start-Stop und Test-Scripten der Resourcen
# Einstellungen fuer die Clusterkommunikation ueber unix2web
:TODO: missing explanation
==== packages.conf ====
The packages are configured in the file indicated by the (showing the default entry):
entry in the ''/etc/sccl/sccl.conf''.
The PACKAGES file contains all packages belonging to the cluster.
Each package lists one or more cluster nodes (NODES) on which they may be started.
The first node defines the default node.
# packages.conf
# { - | } [ [ ...]]
p1 host001 host002
db - host001
other_package - host002
:TODO: needs translation :TODO: needs verification of exact usage
Das Clusterpaket wird automatisch beim Start des Clusters auf
seinem Standard-Clusterknoten gestartet und darf auf allen
laufen. Ein '-' anstelle von verhindert das
automatische Starten des Clusterpakets beim Starten des Clusters oder des
==== resources.conf ====
The resources are configured in the file indicated by the (showing the default entry):
entry in the ''/etc/sccl/sccl.conf''.
The RESOURCES file contains all definitions of the resources belonging to the cluster packages.
It may also contain resource definitions belonging to sub-packages which are **not** listed
as packages in the PACKAGES file but only used in the RESOURCES file. Sub-packages are used to
bundle resources under one definition, which is useful if several packages make use of that sub-package.
Sub-packages cannot be started stand-alone and they do not appear as package in the output of the
''sccl_show_cluster'' command and their status cannot be determined.
The resource definition **must** be in one line!
# The general syntax of a resource definition:
[MULTI] ...
# example
db My_Database IP:AUTO: PRG:/home/db/scripts/sccl_startstop
When the package ist "started", all resources are activated or started in the sequence
the resources are given in the resource definition line (from left to right/forward).
When the package ist "stopped", all resources are deactivated or stopped in the sequence
the resources are given in the resource definition line (from right to left/backwards).
| The name of a cluster package.
| Long description of the package, may not contain spaces, use underscore instead.
| The cluster package may be simultaneously active on more than one cluster node.
| A specification of a resource (described later)
:TODO: Link to examples
The resources are described in [[sccl:configuration:resource_description]].
==== examples ====
db host1 host2
tomcat host3
apache host4 host5
db MySQL_DB PRG:/etc/init.d/mysql RST:tomcat,apache:CLUSTER
tomcat Tomcat CPKG:db:WAIT PRG:/etc/init.d/tomcat6
apache Apache CPKG:db:WAIT PRG:/etc/init.d/apache2