===== Download & Installation =====
Download the {{:uls:uls-server-1.9.6-4.tgz|}} and
follow the installation instruction for different operating systems.
==== Installation ====
=== Debian 10 to Debian 12 ===
Install the operating system and chose the software: SSH-server, Standard-system tools
Become root and install Maria-DB:
# apt-get install mariadb-server libmariadb-dev dh-make
Enter the password for mysql-root and file it for further use.
Install gcc for compiling the u2webtools:
# apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Install gnuplot for the generation of charts:
# apt-get install gnuplot
Install gnu-awk (needed for the processing of start-stop tuples):
# apt-get install gawk
Install wkhtmltopdf from [[https://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html|wkhtmltopdf.org]]
# apt-get install libpng12-0 # may be required on Raspbian
# dpkg -i wkhtmltox_.deb
Install mailutils for sending mails:
# apt-get install mailutils
Add language support for at least german and english, mark "de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8" and "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8":
# dpkg-reconfigure locales
Unpack the ULS-server, version 1.9.6:
# tar xf ULS-Server-1.9.6-2.tgz
# cd ULS-Server-1.9.6
Install u2webtools from {{ :unix2web:u2webtools-mariadb_9.7-7debian10_amd64.deb |}}, {{ :unix2web:u2webtools-mariadb_9.7-7debian11_amd64.deb |}} or {{ :unix2web:u2webtools-mariadb_9.9-4debian12_amd64.deb |}}
Adjust Maria-DB configuration
# vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
max_allowed_packet = 64M
max_connections = 2000
group_concat_max_len = 1024000
sql_mode = ''
and restart Maria-DB with:
# systemctl restart mysql
Start the installation:
# cd ulsserver
# ./installuls.sh
You will be prompted for the mysql-root password. On Debian 10 and 11 hit return for no password.
Now, the ULS-server is running and waits for its base configuration.
Point your webbrowser to 'https://localhost/' and login
as user 'admin', password 'NewAdmin'.
==== ULS Basic Configuration ====
You **must** make configurations to the ULS-server!
Use your webbrowser, open [[https://localhost/]] and login
as user 'admin', password 'NewAdmin'.
:TODO: This may be English or German, depending on your browser settings.
"Verfahren" -> "Verfahren bearbeiten"
Fill last line and hit OK.
"Server" -> "Server anlegen"
| (short name)
|chose - each source must be related to a domain
|IP-address from which agents send values to the ULS-server
|a probably existing alternative IP-address, second interface
|alternate or virtual IP-address from which agents send values to the ULS-server. Mainly used in cluster environments
:TODO: the following is not finished yet.
"Gruppen" -> "Gruppen anlegen" Gruppenname vergeben "OK"
Ggf. Button "alle Verfahren", damit das Verfahren des Clients erscheint.
Haken unter Verfahren setzen.
"User" -> "User anlegen"
Haken bei Gruppe setzen.
Install the ULS-client for Linux
Download file {{ :uls:agents:uls-client_3.14-5debian10_amd64.deb |}}, {{ :uls:agents:uls-client_3.14-5debian11_amd64.deb |}} or {{ :uls:agents:uls-client_3.15-8debian12_amd64.deb |}} and
install the package using the GDebi installation program.
Configure the uls-client: Set the ulsserver ip-address or the ulsserver name in /etc/uls/uls.conf.
$ vi /etc/uls/uls.conf
Check directory /var/tmp/uls for files, should look like:
$ ls -al /var/tmp/uls
drwxrwxrwt 2 uls ulsuser 4096 Dez 23 14:40 .
drwxrwxrwt 14 root root 299008 Dez 23 14:40 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 929 Dez 23 14:40 dat-0-8550.uls
-rw------- 1 root root 789 Dez 23 14:40 dat-0-8575.uls
-rw------- 1 root root 400 Dez 23 14:40 dat-0-8602.uls
-rw------- 1 root root 381 Dez 23 14:40 dat-0.uls
-rw------- 1 uls ulsuser 720 Dez 23 14:39 dat-900.uls
If no files are shown, check the crontab entries:
$ cd /etc/cron.d/
$ cat ulsclient
to verify that the crontab file has been created and the entries
are activated.
If the files do not disappear (not transferred to the ULS-server), try:
$ flush_test_values -t
:TODO: further explanation is needed.
To check, if an error condition exists, e.g. "ERROR from ULS-Server: NOSRV",
which means that the current hostname has not been set up as an ULS-client.
Setup a user that can access the ULS domain!
Values should appear after about 5 to 10 minutes.
==== Update ====
Update from version 1.9.2 or newer to version 1.9.5
Install the u2webtools_mariadb-9.7-7 from the "Media Manager". Unpack {{:uls:uls_update-1.9.5.tgz}} and run the updatescript:
tar xf uls-update-1.9.5.tgz
cd update
After an update to version 1.9.5 and before an update to version 1.9.6 every user should logon to the ULS-server.
For users without logon under version 1.9.5 an admin user has to reset the password.
Update from version 1.9.5 to version 1.9.6
Unpack {{:uls:uls_update-1.9.6.tgz}} and run the updatescript:
tar xf uls-update-1.9.6.tgz
cd update