===== Administrative Settings ===== ==== Defining domains and sources ==== Test specific domains must be defined. {| ! domain ! description |- | Woodlark | create this as new domain |- | ULS | use this existing domain |} Test specific sources (servers) must be defined. :!: Add the sources, all sources must be defined with the ip-address of the ULS stage server, all sources are mocked. Use the ip-address of **your** server! {| ! serverid ! servername ! domain ! ip-address ! secondary ip-address ! accept ip-addresses |- | ulstest1 | testsrv11 | ULS | | | |- | ulstest2 | testsrv12 | ULS | | | |- | ulstest3 | testsrv21 | Woodlark | | | |- | ulstest4 | testsrv22 | Woodlark | | | ((only exactly this ip-address)) |} Check that all domains and sources have been created correctly. ---- ==== Groups and Users ==== Define test specific groups. Be sure to show all domains, even those freshly created by clicking {{:uls:testsuite:version_180:all_domains.png?nolink|}}. {| ! group ! rights on domain "ULS" ! rights on domain "Woodlark" |- | Hotliners | none | read-only |- | Systemaniacs | read-only | full rights |- | Databasics | full rights | read-only |- | AllRounder | full rights | full rights |} Use //show groups// to check the result. Define test specific users. Use the username as password. Do not assign any domains or domain privileges. {| ! user ! group "Hotliners" ! group "Systemaniacs" ! group "Databasics" ! group "AllRounder" ! admin ! password never expires |- | AmieAction | | | style="text-align:center" | x | | | style="text-align:center" | x |- | HeyJoe | style="text-align:center" | x | | | | | style="text-align:center" | x |- | SystematicGuy | | style="text-align:center" | x | | | | style="text-align:center" | x |- | TheSpyder | style="text-align:center" | x | style="text-align:center" | x | style="text-align:center" | x | style="text-align:center" | x | style="text-align:center" | x | style="text-align:center" | x |} Use //show user// to show the list of all users and verify all users for correct group membership. Verify especially that "TheSpyder" has full rights on both domains and can change to the //admin menu//. Every time you login as a different user, go to //administration -> options// and enter: {| |+ set options for TheSpyder ! show username | [x] |} The username should appear in the upper frame below the logos after changing to the //main menu//. ---- ==== Notification Destinations ==== As user "TheSpyder" use //notification -> edit notification destinations -> Mail// to add an e-mail notification destination. Use a correct e-mail address instead of "your@emailaddress". {| ! type ! name ! address |- | Mail | ULS Test | your@emailaddress |} Assign the new defined notification destination to group "Hotliners". Try the //test// link to send a test e-mail to your@emailaddress. Use //groups -> group ticket targets// to define ULS ticket targets, which are destination groups in the ULS internal ticket tracking (UTT) system. {| ! group ! name ! escalation ((is currently not checked)) ! remark |- | Databasics | UTT Databasics | | The ticket target for "Databasics" monitoring. |- | Systemaniacs | UTT Systemaniacs | | The ticket target for "Systemaniacs" monitoring. |} ---- ==== Access Codes ==== As user "TheSpyder" use the "admin menu" and select //main menu -> edit access// and change the description of the access codes: {| ! name ! retention time ! description |- | all | 14 | general |- | adm | 90 | admin |- | sec | 366 | security |- | ulsadmlog | 90 | uls admin actions |} ----- ==== Settings for Auditing ==== As user "TheSpyder" use the "admin menu" and select //main menu -> system -> edit system variables// and verify or change the "access-code for admin-auditing" to "ulsadmlog": {| |+ settings for auditing ! servername for admin-auditing | testsrv11 |- ! access-code for admin-auditing | ulsadmlog |- ! storetime in days for user changeprotocol | 360 |} ----- ==== Special Units ==== As user "TheSpyder" use the "admin menu" and select //main menu -> system -> edit units// and verify or define the unit "boolean" and "{E} :car". {| ! name ! si-unit ! si-factor ! si-offset ! printflag ! plotstyle |- | boolean | boolean | 1 | 0 | [x] | impulses lc rgb 'blue' lw 3 |- | {E} :car | {E} :car | 0 | 0 | [ ] | custom |- | [] ((open and closed bracket)) | [] ((open and closed bracket)) | 1 | 0 | [ ] | points pt 3 ps 1 ((unit is present, change only the plotstyle)) |} If that unit does not exist yet and you are creating it now, you leave "si-unit" blank and change it to itself by using the appropriate drop-down box after the unit has been initially saved.