Table of Contents

Continuous Values

Several values of all supported value type are created and transferred to ULS in regular time intervals (each minute). Values are based on

Mainly the LOB-based values are only generated each 10 minutes or just once every hour.


Create a crontab to make the “continuous_values” script execute every minute. The script generates all values.

cd /etc/cron.d/
vi uls_test_suite
* * * * * uls /home/uls/testsuite/test_suite_1_8_0/continuous_values > /home/uls/testsuite/test_suite_1_8_0/continuous_values.log 2>&1

Check the log file, it must have size zero (no output, no errors).

Interactive Verification

Verify, that the generated ULS value files are transferred to the ULS-server and that their content is stored correctly. Be sure, that the script ran already for more than one day!

Use a webbrowser, login as ULS user “AmieAction” (full rights on “ULS”, read-only on “Woodlark”), chose the correct time interval (“yesterday” if the script runs already for more than a day or explicit iso time interval) and check all values for domain “ULS” and for domain “Woodlark”.

The values have following structure (section, teststep):

The continuous values are spread over different sources (servers) and hence over different domains. The values are produced for each time interval (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly):

Crosscheck all details with the contents of the reports below.


Different reports are defined and checked to ensure correct incoming values and a correct reporting function.

Report 'Continuous Values - Counts and Last Values'

As user “AmieAction” create a report with pattern-based report details.

:!: be sure to remove any possible blanks of the expressions when entering them in the report detail text boxes.

name $#) Counts of all Continuous Values

! period:

! display:


Add another report detail, click on :

name $#) Last Values of all Continuous Values

! sections:

! period:

! display:

last values

Use to show the report.

Click reports → Continuous Values - Counts and Last Values to see the same results.

Go to administration → edit mail reports and send the “Continuous Values - Counts and Last Values” report to your e-mail address. Use:

(Alternatively, if, e.g. e-mail is not configured, you may write the report to a directory (if defined as notification destination) and check the generated pdf document)

It should look like this. There may be more entries in the report if it is generated after having defined combi-details.

Verify also page numbering and correct page breaks.

Report 'Continuous Values - Manual Selection'

As user “SystematicGuy” create a report from interactive choice. The continuous values must have been generated for at least two days, yesterday should be covered completely.

Use to add that to a new report:

name Sine Curve
description Manually added.
report description append
Continuous Values - Manual Selection

That should look like:

Go to reports and click on Continuous Values - Manual Selection to verify the correct output.

The resulting report should look like this.

Report 'Continuous Values - Best Overview'

The contiuous values must have been generated for at least one whole day. The report will change its appearance over time, especially the weekly and monthly values may differ in representation depending on the day of the week or month.

This report shows many values as graphs or tables as an overview.

Values are spread over different sources and domains. The time intervals are chosen for the best representation of the specific values.

The report is created by using the textmode.

As user “SystematicGuy”

It should look like :TODO:

Verify also page numbering and correct page breaks.


Set the Retention Time Settings for Values for some values to a longer period.

Combined Details

Combined details can be used to make calculations on details or build relations between details of one teststep. It may be used in reports and favorites, but not

group based combined details on [E]

As user “TheSpyder”:

teststep detail unit expression active remark
220 Float Values Recalculated Energy Wh $VALUE_OF('Energy/[E]@Wh') [x]
Test Description Result Notes
CDET 010 group based combined details on [E], definition and correct propagation passed
  • verify also, that a diagram can be produced by clicking on the table heading

Test Description Result Notes
CDET 012 group based combined details on [E], graphical representation passed

Combi Details on %

Complex Combi Details