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Provided STATSPACK is installed in the current Oracle database, the ora_statspack script will take STATSPACK snapshots at each hour and generate, by default, each night a report for the day from 08:00 to 17:00. The resulting report is sent to ULS. The time ranges and weekdays are defined in the oracle_tools.conf configuration file as the given <report_parameter_name>. You may add or change the report definitions. No report can be produced if the database instance was bounced within the report time range.

No action is done, if the defined STATSPACK_OWNER is not present.

Old snapshots are deleted after the SNAPSHOT_RETENTION time defined in the configuration file has elapsed.

:TODO: more info

uls/agents/oracle_tools/ora_statspack.txt · Last modified: 2014-02-13 14:51 by uls