The WIN_TOOLS are the GPLv3-based ULS-agent for the Windows operating system. It gathers inventory information and configuration settings as well as runtime metrics of the operating system and checking, with applied filters, the event log for new entries.
All resulting values are sent to the ULS-server for further monitoring and analysis.
The directories used in this description are examples only, use others as you like.
The default directories are:
installation and execution directory of the WIN_TOOLS | C:\ADMIN\WIN_TOOLS |
temporary work value and log file directory | C:\TEMP\WIN_TOOLS |
destination directory for the generated ULS value files | C:\TEMP\ULS |
Change to a directory of your choice or create one in which you want to put the WIN_TOOLS:
Download the current version of the WIN_TOOLS to the just created directory and check the checksums.
You may need:
C:\ADMIN\WIN_TOOLS> md5sum.exe WIN_TOOLS_*.zip
checksums for
Before unzipping, open the property page of the .zip and click the unblock button. That should prevent the message:
This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer
Unpack the WIN_TOOLS*.zip into that directory. The password is “win_tools”, it is only set to avoid the typical virus scanners to eliminate the zip-archive because of the contained .exe and .bat files. You will find a list of files like (the output may differ slightly depending on the version/release date):
C:\ADMIN\WIN_TOOLS> dir 03.12.2013 12:22 <DIR> . 03.12.2013 12:22 <DIR> .. 03.12.2013 11:49 978 CHANGES.txt 06.12.2011 10:06 33.094 COPYING.txt 21.12.2011 18:29 1.472.512 libeay32.dll 03.12.2013 11:57 213 perf_counter_categories.bat 30.10.2012 14:14 7.337 perf_counter_categories.ps1 22.11.2013 09:55 81.549 send2uls.exe 21.12.2011 18:29 303.616 ssleay32.dll 30.10.2012 12:02 254 win_eventlog.bat 25.11.2013 10:52 8.796 win_eventlog.conf 03.12.2013 11:47 33.088 win_eventlog.ps1 18.09.2012 14:33 127 win_inventory.bat 22.02.2013 15:43 18.844 win_inventory.ps1 29.11.2013 10:26 13.386 win_misc.ps1 06.03.2013 15:00 232 win_watch.bat 03.12.2013 11:59 5.056 win_watch.conf 03.12.2013 11:47 49.719 win_watch.ps1 16 Datei(en), 2.028.801 Bytes
There is a calling .bat file for each powershell script and the main scripts got configuration files.
Check your execution policy of the W*ndows machine:
c:\> powershell Get-ExecutionPolicy
“RemoteSigned” or even “Unrestricted” will allow you to execute the powershell scripts. With a “Restricted” execution policy you will not be able to execute the powershell scripts. Change it to:
c:\> powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Alternatively, you can use the command line parameter
-executionpolicy bypass
c:\> powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File <script.ps1> <arguments>
when starting the win_watch powershell script.
You get scripts to check the state and performance of a running W*ndows computer, as well as event log checking with filtering and gathering of inventory information.