The perf_counter_categories script discovers all performance counter on the current W*ndows computer and generates an html file that contains all performance counter categories, if they are single or multi instance, there associated values, units and available descriptions. That is derived from the .NET implementation and the installed software.
The output of this script can be used to customize the PERFxxx parameters in win_watch.conf.
perf_counter_categories comes as a set of two files
The batch file that you start expects the Powershell script in the current directory. If not, you must customize the batch file. The batch script will run for a certain time and generate an html file in which all performance counter categories of the current W*ndows computer are listed. If possible and available, explanations to these performance counter categories are given.
View the resulting perf_counter_categories.html file by double clicking, it will be opened using your favorite browser. Here is an example of the output.
Find the already existing PERFxxx entries in the win_watch.conf. You should find e.g.
PERF010 = Processor | % Idle Time, % Processor Time, % User Time, % Privileged Time, Interrupts/sec | _Total
You should find “Processor” as category in the example. The counter names like “% Processor Time” are listed there and their explanations. You may add more PERFxxx in the win_watch.conf by adding new entries with performance categories and their counter names from your locally generated perf_counter_categories.html, e.g. (from the example):
PERF880 = Terminal Services | Active Sessions
The general syntax for the PERFxxx entry is (see the win_watch.conf itself):
PERFxxx = <category> | <counter 1> [ , <counter 2>, <counter 3>, ...] [ | <instance_filter> ]