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Data Types, Units & Logical Data Structure

Data Types

Different basic data types can be sent to the ULS-server and stored as values.

  • numbers, as quantity of (a finite subset of) rational numbers
  • strings with up to 32000 characters
  • files up to 1GB of size

Derived data types are identified and interpreted by the used unit and its contents:

  • integer numbers, as quantity of the subset of natural numbers and non-zero natural numbers, 10 digits max
  • floating point numbers, as an approximation to real numbers, 20 significant digits
  • numbers in combination with si-related units (e.g. km, m, mm; or °C, °F, K), 200 characters max
  • timing tuples, as tuples of start- and stop-timing events, bound together with the same time stamp, 200 characters max
  • timestamps in ISO notation (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS) (use unit {DT}) or seconds since unix epoch (use unit {TT}).
  • strings rendered in monospaced font in the web browser, can e.g. be used for tabular data, 32000 characters max
  • images (.jpg, .png, .gif, …) are shown as images in the web browser, other files are represented as web links for download


Units have to be managed by an ULS administrator. The are a lot of units already defined in ULS, but your specific ones may not be present and you can add your own units.

Each value must have a unit, a blank (space) as unit is used for text values.

Default Units

This list of units is available by default. Some special units are described further in [[uls:structure#Special Units]] below.

unit SI-unit sifaktor sioffset remark
0 0 (a blank) text
# # 1 0 pseudo unit for unit-less values like counter or ratios
#/s #/s 1 0
% % 1 0
1/min 1/s 0.0166666666666667 0 per minute
1/s 1/s 1 0 per second
A A 1 0 ampere
Anzahl Anzahl 1 0 count
bar Pa 0.1 0 bar
BLOB 0 0 pseudo unit for blobs
boolean boolean 1 0 to represent true and false as 0 and 1
Byte kByte 0.0009765625 0 Byte
Byte/s kB/s 0.001 0 Byte/s
Bytes kByte 0.0009765625 0 Byte
Bytes/s kB/s 0.001 0 Byte/s
cm m 0.01 0 centimeter
COUNTER COUNTER 1 0 pseudo unit for counter
d s 86400 0 days
dm m 0.1 0 decimeter
files files 1 0
g kg 0.001 0 gram
GB kByte 1048576 0
GB/s kB/s 1048576 0
GByte kByte 1048576 0
GBytes kByte 1048576 0 GigaByte
GHz kHz 1000000 0
h s 3600 0
hPa Pa 100 0 Hektopascal
IMAGE 0 0 pseudo unit for images
K K 1 0 Kelvin
kA A 1000 0 Kiloampere
kB kByte 1 0
kB/s kB/s 1 0
kByte kByte 1 0
kg kg 1 0
kHz kHz 1 0
km m 1000 0 kilometer
km/h m/s 3.6 0 kilometers per hour
kV V 1000 0 kilovolt
kW W 1000 0 kilowatt
kWh Wh 1000 0 kilowatt hours
m m 1 0
m/s m/s 1 0 meter/second
mA A 0.001 0 milliampere
MB kByte 1024 0
MB/s kB/s 1024 0
mbar Pa 100 0 millibar
MByte kByte 1024 0
MBytes kByte 1024 0 MegaByte
MBytes/s MBytes/s 1 0
min s 60 0 minute
mm m 0.001 0 millimeter
ms s 0.001 0 milli second
ms/MB ms/MB 1 0 ms/MB
mV V 0.001 0 milli volt
MW W 1000000 0 Megawatt
MWh Wh 1000000 0 Megawatt hours
Pa Pa 1 0 pascal
pages pages 1 0
RPM 1/s 0.0166666666666667 0 revolutions per minute
s s 1 0 second
Stunden Stunden 1 0 hours
Tage s 86400 0 days
TB kByte 1048576 0
TByte kByte 1048576 0
TBytes kByte 1073741824 0 TeraByte
V V 1 0 volt
W W 1 0 watt
Wh Wh 1 0 watt hours
[#] [#] 1 0 pseudo unit for unit-less values like ratios
[/] [/] 1 0 ratio (last/average)
[E] [E] 0 0 “value unit”, SI-factor must be 0!
[N] 0 0 text (space separation)
[T] 0 0 text (tabular separation)
[UTTID] 0 0 pseudo unit for a link to a UTT
[] [] 1 0 pseudo unit for unit-less values like counter or ratios, uses a point in graphs, not a line as '#'
_ 0 0 monospaced text
_N 0 0 multiple text expressions, separated by empty line
_T 0 0 tabular text expressions
{DT} 0 0 time stamp in the format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[{+-}hh:mm]
{E} #:Laufwerk {E} #:Laufwerk 0 0 time interval + drive/unit #
{E} :Lw {E} :Lw 0 0 time interval + drive
{T} {T} 0 0 time interval
{T} :Node {T} :Node 0 0 time interval + nodes (SCCL)
{TT} 0 0 time stamp, seconds since unix big bang
° ° 1 0 degrees
°C K 1 273.15 degrees Celsius
°F K 0.555555555 255.372222222 degrees Fahrenheit
°Ra K 0.555555555 0 degrees Rankine
°Ré K 1.25 273.15 degrees Réaumur
°Rø K 1.904761904 258.86 degrees Rømer

Special Units

Here is a table of all special units. These have a special meaning and should not be changed or removed from the unit list.

unit value type description
# numeric Counter, for numbers without units, but allows graphical representation.
[#] numeric Like #, but uses a single box for each value (instead of a line connecting all values) in graphical representations.
[/] numeric Ratio of values, no unit is displayed, but allows graphical representation.
{DT} timestamp the value is interpreted as time stamp. Format is “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[{+|-}hh:mm]”. There is no graphical representation but limits and aggregations in combination with function “age” may be applied.
[E] numeric Special unit for values which are acquired in different (although related) units. Example: a length is measured, the measuring equipment returns the value in m (meter) or in km (kilometer) depending on the length. You may send that value as “<value> <unit>” (“2.54 km”) and specify “[E]” as unit for ULS. Then, the ULS-server shows all “<value> <unit>” pairs in the grid and graphs can be generated of these values. The values are calculated to a base unit (si-unit) which is also used as unit for the respective y-axis. BUT: details having this unit do currently only support the comparisons: last, first, count, differ in limit definitions! And not all aggregations are supported!
{E} time timing tuple with additional attributes, example: value: “Start YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[{+|-}hh:mm] <expression>” or “Stop YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[{+|-}hh:mm] <expression>”, unit: “{E} <y-axis unit>:<y-axis title>”
{T} time marks a timing tuple, the values must be in the format “Start YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[{+|-}hh:mm]” for the time stamp of the start of an action or “Stop YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[{+|-}hh:mm]” for the time stamp of the stop of an action. Both values must be related to the same time stamp (of the value, not of the action). The timing tuple is represented as a horizontal bar in graphs
{TT} timestamp the value is interpreted as time stamp. It must be the number of seconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). There is no graphical representation but limits and aggregations in combination with function “age” may be applied.
' ' (space) string for text expressions in proportional font, same as no unit at all
[ ] (space in square brackets) string for short text expressions in proportional font, max 200 characters
[N] string ???
[T] string Several lines for the same timestamp. ALL details MUST be filled with details, no matter in what sequence the details are filled.
_ (underscore) string for text expressions in monospaced font
[_] (underscore in square brackets) string for short text expressions in monospaced font, max 200 characters
_N string like underscore, all values for the same time stamp will be separated by empty lines. That is intended only for better readability.

use an adequate retention policy for your values.

Unit Management

The ULS administrator manages the units. Log in as ULS administrator and move to 'system →> edit units'.

The list of units looks like (just an example):

name si-unit si-factor si-offset printflag plotstyle remark
boolean boolean 1 0 [x] impulses
Byte kByte 0.0009765625 0 [x] lines Byte
hPa Pa 100 0 [x] lines Hectopascal
°C K 1 273.15 [x] lines degrees centigrade

Units (name) can be defined as a simple function to base units (si-unit) by using factors (si-factor).

:TODO: how about a dynamically evaluateable equation where x is replaced by the <value>

<value> [<name>] * <si-factor> = <value2> [<si-unit>]

If you are creating a new unit and its si-unit does not exist yet, then leave “si-unit” blank and change it after the si-unit has been created initially.

(new in version 1.7.0)

Units (name) can be defined as a simple function to base units (si-unit) by using factors (si-factor) and offsets (si-offset).

<value> [<name>] * <si-factor> + <si-offset> = <value2> [<si-unit>]

SI-Units can be used for manual scaling of different base units in graphs or in definitions of derived or calculated details.

Logical Data Structure

Each value in the ULS corresponds to a combination of the attributes:

attribute description

provided with a time stamp can be processed by the ULS. The minimum resolution is one second.


'refueling' or 'key body indicators'. It may consist of several level, each separated by a colon.


The decimal point is **ALWAYS** :!: a decimal point.


Only ULS-users that have been granted this access privilege will be able to see the detail. Only an ULS-administrator can set privileges of ULS-users.

The domain is derived from the source, it is a constant, manually defined relation. A domain is a collection of one to many (value-) sources which belong somehow together. User access and privileges are bound to the domain.

The logical data structure is similar to the representation in the ULS user interface (interactive webbrowser-based analysis):

            └──►<teststep>  | time stamp           |  detail  |  detail  |
                            |                      |  unit    |  unit    |
                            | ---------------------|----------|----------|
                            | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss  |  value   |  value   |
                            | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss  |  value   |  value   |
                            | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss  |  value   |  value   |

The relation between domains and sources must be kept manually, all other relations are automatically determined by the values that are transferred to the ULS and do not need any administrative activities.

uls/structure.txt · Last modified: 2017-10-17 11:01 by uls